Monday, May 28, 2012

A Day To Remember

Let's take a moment and remember what our brave men and women in the military have already done and continue to do for this country and for freedom around the globe. Today is a great chance to stop and remember the price the countless heroes have paid to secure our freedom.

This Memorial Day, I’m drawn more than ever to the words of Abraham Lincoln. Speaking in his Gettysburg Address, he said, “It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Those beautiful words describe not only the incredible price American soldiers pay for our freedom, but also the responsibility that we owe to those soldiers to make sure their sacrifice was not in vain. Everyday, “We the People” are charged with making sure freedom is not lost in this great country.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

North Korea Warns Retaliation if U.S. Stops Food Aid

Our foreign policy weakness has ushered in strange days indeed. As a result, small-time presidents and rogue nations are actually trying to tell us what to do, and in some cases openly threatening the U.S. Take North Korea, for example, where our cancellation of food aid in response to their recent rocket launch has led to the promise of “retaliatory measures.” In other words, the leadership of that country is threatening to do something to the U.S. if we don’t keep propping them up via handouts. CLICK TO READ MORE

Obama Charges $1,000 Per Handshake

President Obama’s fan base is willing to pay through the nose to get a glimpse of him. In fact, supporters in Dearborn, Michigan showed up today to shell out $1,000 just to shake the hand of The One. CLICK TO READ MORE

Charity and Politics

Americans are being asked to decide many things this election year, but perhaps the most important is how the United States should take care of its poorest citizens. President Obama and the Democratic Party in general believe that income redistribution is the way to go. Since Mr. Obama has been in office, entitlement spending has risen 41% to about one trillion dollars a year. There are currently an astounding 126 separate anti-poverty programs in place. Mitt Romney and the Republicans reject the concept of "income inequality" and say that a rising economy should lift all households. The GOP wants the free marketplace to provide income opportunity, not a giant federal nanny state. With the nation more than $16 trillion in debt, the Republicans have economics on their side, but emotion is another matter. CLICK TO READ MORE

TransCanada submits new Keystone XL pipeline plan

For the first time since President Obama issued a controversial order halting its progress, the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline is once again on track for bureaucratic review after TransCanada submitted a new route through Nebraska designed to avoid environmentally sensitive areas. The new plan, which TransCanada submitted to the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality on Wednesday, takes the Keystone project out of the deep freeze that began in January when Obama agreed with the recommendation of the State Department to reject the initial pipeline application. This new development, first reported by Fox News, allows Nebraska officials to review the impact of the pipeline's adjusted route. It also opens the door for the pipeline's builder, TransCanada, to submit a new complete proposal covering the entire length of the pipeline to the State Department for its review. CLICK TO READ MORE

Pelosi: Amend the First Amendment

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday endorsed a movement announced by other congressional Democrats on Wednesday to ratify an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would allow Congress to regulate political speech when it is engaged in by corporations as opposed to individuals. The First Amendment says in part: "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..." CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO AND READ MORE

Government Grants Used to Create Homoerotic Website

The National Institutes of Health has spent millions of dollars over the past decade to fund the construction of an HIV-prevention website that, among other sexually explicit features, includes a graphic image of homosexual sex and a Space Invaders-style interactive game that uses a penis-shaped blaster to shoot down gay epithets. CLICK TO READ MORE


The Obama administration is looking for states that will experiment with unemployment insurance programs by letting people test a job while still receiving benefits. The plan is a key feature of a payroll tax cut package that President Barack Obama negotiated with congressional Republicans in February. The Labor Department will open the application process Thursday for 10 model projects across the country. Any state can apply for the "Bridge to Work" program. The plan is modeled after a Georgia program called "Georgia Works." Under the plan, workers who have lost jobs can be placed in other temporary jobs as trainees for short periods to retain their skills or gain new ones while receiving jobless assistance. About a third of the time, those workers wind up getting hired full-time. CLICK TO READ MORE

Mandatory ‘Big Brother’ Black Boxes In All New Cars From 2015

A bill already passed by the Senate and set to be rubber stamped by the House would make it mandatory for all new cars in the United States to be fitted with black box data recorders from 2015 onwards. Section 31406 of Senate Bill 1813 (known as MAP-21), calls for “Mandatory Event Data Recorders” to be installed in all new automobiles and legislates for civil penalties to be imposed against individuals for failing to do so. “Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall revise part 563 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, to require, beginning with model year 2015, that new passenger motor vehicles sold in the United States be equipped with an event data recorder that meets the requirements under that part,” states the bill. CLICK TO READ MORE

Senate GOP blocks Obama's 'Buffett rule' for minimum tax rate on millionaires

Senate Republicans blocked President Obama's so-called "Buffett Rule," as the proposed minimum tax rate for millionaires failed to advance in a procedural vote Monday. The measure received majority support, 51-45, but 60 votes were required for the legislation to advance. The anti-climactic outcome was no surprise to anyone in a vote that was designed more to win over voters and embarrass senators in close races than to push legislation into law. CLICK TO READ MORE