Saturday, March 31, 2012

High school principal blocks 'respect women' posters, allows 'black power' signs

In honor of “Women’s History Month,” Grosse Point North High School student Grant Strobl wanted to place posters throughout the school teaching students to respect women, but was met with defiance from the school principal, calling his actions “vitriolic.” Strobl, the chair of the Young America’s Freedom chapter at his school, recalled his events on the Young America’s for Foundation’s (YAF) website. The posters he created featured women like Sarah Palin — who faced claims from liberal blogs that her mentally challenged baby was not actually hers and another with this statement: “The annual worldwide number of so-called ‘honor-killing’ victims may be as high as 5,000 women.” See the posters below. Per school regulations, Strobl brought the posters to the principal, Tim Bearden, to have him sign off on them, but the principal refused. According to Strobl’s account, Bearden looked at a single poster and then declared his whole idea “vitriolic and inappropriate” and refused to approve them. It may seem hypocritical, however, because a bulletin board expressing “Black Power” and Human Rights “Equal” stickers were allowed in the halls, but not his “Respecting All Women” posters. Strobl told The Daily Caller that he doesn’t want to hurt the principal’s character because Bearden has been very supportive of YAF in the past, but “I want to make sure that the policy regarding posters is equal for all groups on campus.” CLICK TO READ MORE

‘Always Some Bull****’: Congresswoman Who Couldn’t Remember White Murder Victim Lashes Out at Reporter

Rep. Corrine Brown, the Democratic congresswoman from Florida who was unable to remember the name of a white murder victim this week, lashed out at a local reporter Friday when asked about the incident. During an appearance on CNN Wednesday, Brown was asked whether she and her fellow black colleagues would be as concerned about the death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin if he hadn’t been black. The Blaze was one of the first outlets to feature the clip, which quickly went viral. CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama’s Documents Are Amateur Phonies

The Obama records which have not been released include; Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth. CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO

Another $17 trillion surprise found in Obamacare

Senate Republican staffers continue to look though the 2010 health care reform law to see what’s in it, and their latest discovery is a massive $17 trillion funding gap. “The more we learn about the bill, the more we learn it is even more unaffordable than was suspected,” said Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the Republicans’ budget chief in the Senate. “The bill has to be removed from the books because we don’t have the money,” he said. The hidden shortfall between new spending and new taxes was revealed just after Supreme Court justices grilled the law’s supporters about its compliance with the Constitution’s limits on government activity. If the court doesn’t strike down the law, it will force taxpayers to find another $17 trillion to pay for the increased spending. CLICK TO READ MORE

Florida man faces jail after killing bunnies during argument with wife

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. -- A Florida man faces two years in jail after admitting killing three bunnies with his bare hands during an argument with his wife. Reginald Owen Sear Jr., 35, made a plea deal with prosecutors over the crime and is expected to be given a two-year jail sentence and five years of probation, The Ledger newspaper reported. Sear, from Winter Haven, central Florida, killed the bunnies after arguing with his wife about who would go and feed them last May. Following the argument, he took the bunnies into the bathroom at his home, where he twisted them with his hands and killed them. CLICK TO READ MORE

Documents show evidence piled up in Utah disappearance

In the quest to figure out what happened to Susan Powell in 2009, Utah authorities compiled a heap of evidence -- finding blood in the family home, an eerie hand-written "will" and a young son who bluntly said that mom was dead. Despite all of the information, investigators with West Valley City police continued to say Friday that they are treating the case as a missing-persons matter. They have never named a suspect or filed charges in Powell's disappearance, even though her husband was linked with much of the evidence and scrutiny. CLICK TO READ MORE

Friday, March 30, 2012

Biden Calls for 'Global Tax'

Politics March 30, 2012 Biden Calls for 'Global Tax' Fire it up 158 Share "For years, American manufacturers have faced one of the highest tax rates in the world. We want to reduce that by over 20%. We want to drop the rate, particularly, for high-tech manufacturers like you, Mr. President, even further than the 20%," Vice President Joe Biden said at a manufacturing plant in Davenport, Iowa this week. "We want to create a global minimum tax, because American taxpayers shouldn't be providing a larger subsidy for investing abroad than investing at home," Biden said at a campaign event. CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO

BlackBerry retreats from consumer market after ANOTHER $125M loss - and shifts focus back to businesses

The maker of BlackBerry today seemed to admit defeat in the smartphone wars after suggesting it will abandon most consumer markets. Research in Motion Ltd will instead concentrate on reaching business customers, who are said to value the security of the company's handsets. RIM has been struggling as Americans are abandoning their BlackBerrys for flashier touch-screen phones such as Apple's iPhone and models that run Google's Android software. CLICK TO READ MORE

High court justice: Obama birth certificate fishy Says evidence raises 'serious questions about authenticity'

An Alabama State Supreme Court justice earlier this week agreed that findings suggesting Barack Obama presented a forged birth certificate to the nation “would raise serious questions about the [document's] authenticity” if presented as evidence in court. CLICK TO READ MORE

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama’s Records Are Missing

Sheriff Joe Arpaio talks to Infowars about the media blackout surrounding the Obama birth certificate issue. CLICK TO SEE MORE

The Obama records which have not been released include:
  • Passport records
  • Obama kindergarten records
  • Punahou School records
  • Occidental College records
  • Columbia University records
  • Columbia thesis
  • Harvard Law School records
  • Harvard Law Review articles
  • University of Chicago scholarly articles
  • Illinois State Bar Association records
  • Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost)
  • Medical records
  • Obama/Dunham marriage license
  • Obama/Dunham divorce documents
  • Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
  • Adoption records
  • and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth.

Trayvon Martin: Spike Lee settles with family forced to flee home

Spike Lee has reached an agreement with the Florida couple forced to flee their home after the film director retweeted their home address and they fled to a hotel to avoid problems associated with the shooting of Trayvon Martin, it was announced Thursday. Elaine and David McClain, in their 70s, left their Sanford, Fla., home after their address was tweeted by a man who thought he had found the home of George Zimmerman, the 28-year-old who shot Martin, 17. Lee then retweeted the McClains’ address to his followers on Twitter. CLICK TO READ MORE

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Justice Breyer: Can Congress Make Americans Buy Computers, Cell Phones, Burials? ‘Yes, of Course’

During oral arguments in the Supreme Court this week, Justice Stephen Breyer posed and answered the core question at issue in the controversy over the constitutionality of Obamacare’s mandate that individual Americans must buy government-approved health insurance policies: Can Congress order individuals to buy a good or service? “Yes, of course they could,” said Breyer. In the history of the nation, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the federal government has never done this. CLICK TO READ MORE

Liberals in Shock as Obamacare Hearings Force Them to Realize Conservatives Aren't Morons

After three days of oral arguments at the Supreme Court on Obamcare, liberals seem genuinely stunned that Obamacare has a good chance of going down in flames. They never saw it coming. Consider this exchange between CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin and anchor Wolf Blitzer on the first day of the argument which focused on the individual mandate, provision of Obamacare which forces all Americans to purchase medical insurance or procure it via their employers: TOOBIN: This was a train wreck for the Obama administration. This law looks like it's gonna be struck down. Justice Kennedy, the swing vote, was enormously skeptical. Every comment Kennedy made -- uh, at least that I heard -- was skeptical of the law. The wild card in this argument was, uh, Chief Justice Roberts. Chief Justice Roberts actually asked a lot of hard questions. Roberts seemed like a much more likely vote to uphold the law than Kennedy was. BLITZER: This is really huge! CLICK FOR MORE

For Two Straight Days, CNN Harps on Romney's Wealth as Potential Voter Turn-Off

For the second straight day on Thursday, CNN emphasized Mitt Romney's wealth as a possible turn-off to voters. Correspondent Joe Johns aired a segment on Thursday's The Situation Room about "Mitt Romney-isms," or Romney's references to his own wealth and beliefs that seem to "hit the wrong note" for a presidential candidate. CLICK TO READ MORE

Does This Video Show SEIU Protesters Admitting Getting Paid to Picket Supreme Court?

What‘s in question in the video below isn’t what the people are caught saying, but rather who gave them the $20 they are overheard talking about. In a video taken by the blog Disrupt the Narrative, five female protesters donning SEIU purple and signs are seen walking near the Capitol (seemingly recently) and talking about the $20 they were given in paper envelopes.    CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO

House approves Ryan's $3.5T budget

The GOP plan features sharper deficit reduction and starkly less government than Democrats want. It would block Obama's proposal to boost taxes on the wealthy and would instead lower income tax rates while erasing many unspecified tax breaks. Obama's budget would raise taxes on families making above $250,000 and on oil and gas companies, add funds for roads and schools and cull modest savings from domestic programs. CLICK TO READ MORE

Obama's Budget proposal voted down 414-0... not one person voted for it.

The Bowles-Simpson deficit-reduction plan went down to a crushing defeat in the House late Wednesday night in a vote that damages the one bipartisan proposal that just a few months ago had seemed like a possible solution to the country’s debt woes. The 382-38 defeat, with just 16 Republicans and 22 Democrats voting for it, marks a bad end to what began nearly two years ago, when President Obama tapped former White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles, a Democrat, and former Sen. Alan Simpson, a Republican, to lead a deficit-reduction committee. CLICK TO READ MORE

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pro-Obamacare Protester Stumped: ‘I’ve Read It on the Obama Website’

There was one protester who was adamant that being anti-Obamacare was synonymous with being anti-women. Oddly enough, we noticed her because she was yelling at a Tea Party woman in a motorized wheelchair.* She had a sign reading “Women are not a preexisting condition.” According to her, there are studies that say “women are often charged over 50 percent more” for the same procedure. When asked what study, she had a hard time explaining. “I, I’ve read various studies. I can’t point to one right now,” she responded. She had an equally tough time when asked who produced it: “I mean, I’ve read it on the Obama website.” CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO

Justices Poised to Strike Down Entire Health Care Law

The Supreme Court's conservative justices said Wednesday they are prepared to strike down President Obama’s healthcare law entirely. Picking up where they left off Tuesday, the conservatives said they thought a decision striking down the law's controversial individual mandate to purchase health insurance means the whole statute should fall with it. CLICK TO READ MORE

NYC Schools To Ban Words 'Birthday', 'Halloween', And 'Dinosaur'

Companies that make standardized testing have been instructed to ban some of the following words and topics: dinosaurs, Halloween, birthday, dancing (except ballet), and computers (unless mentioned in reference to schools and libraries). CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO

Spike Lee's Re-tweet Causes Elderly Couple to Abandon Home in Fear

usan Jacobson of the Orlando Sentinel reports that an elderly Florida couple has fled their home, after Spike Lee re-tweeted their address, thinking he was sending people to the home of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed Trayvon Martin. CLICK TO READ MORE

Democrat Thrown Off House Floor For Hoodie Meltdown

Congressman Bobby Rush had a melt down on the house floor as he donned a hoodie and recited the Bible. He was removed from the house floor CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO

State Department Won’t Say Jerusalem is Capital of Israel

If the Obama administration wants to soften its image among Israel supporters as being questionably interested in Israel’s interests, then refusing to describe Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was probably not the way to do it. In a press conference today, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland did exactly that, to the consternation of many reporters who repeatedly kept trying to clarify her remarks, only to be repeatedly stonewalled. The Weekly Standard has a transcript of the exchange, of which the relevant passage is as follows: CLICK TO READ MORE

Congresswoman Can‘t Quite Remember Name of ’Young White Female’ Murder Victim of Equal Concern to Martin Case

Congresswoman Corrine Brown (D-Fla.) insisted on CNN Wednesday that her colleagues‘ outrage over teen Trayvon Martin’s death was not solely because Martin was black — but faltered when asked to name the murdered “young white female” Brown said she was just as concerned about. CLICK TO READ MORE

Barack Obama: I Have A “Moral Obligation” To Neuter America

Barack Obama actually plans to do it. He actually plans to neuter America by unilaterally dismantling most of the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal. In fact, Barack Obama says that the United States has a “moral obligation” to disarm as we lead the way to “a world without nuclear weapons”. Sadly, a “world without nuclear weapons” is a fantasy that will not be possible any time soon. Nuclear weapons technology is getting into more hands with each passing year, and geopolitical tensions are rising all over the globe. If the United States did not have nuclear weapons, anyone with just a handful of nukes would constitute a massive threat to our national security. An overwhelming strategic nuclear arsenal helps keep us safe because every other nation on the planet knows that it would be national suicide to attack us. If you take that overwhelming strategic nuclear arsenal away, the entire calculation changes. CLICK TO READ MORE

Monday, March 26, 2012

Barack vs. Barack: Group Uses President’s Words Against Him in Viral Obamacare Video
Cash Strapped Baltimore may sell historic landmarks

Will Obama comment on Miss State murder?

'Zimmerman suffered broken nose and had injury to back of head; He was attacked by Trayvon Martin'...

President Obama Asks Medvedev for ‘Space’ on Missile Defense — ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’

What to Expect at Supreme Court on Obamacare This Week

 Spike Lee Does the Wrong Thing: Retweets Zimmerman's Home Address

New Black Panthers Offer $1 Million For Zimmerman's Capture

Santorum Slams NYT Reporter: 'Stop Lying' - 'Quit Distorting Our Words' - 'It's Bulls--t!'

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Krauthammer Smacks Down Shields on Ryan Plan: 'Your Guys Haven’t Introduced a Budget at All'
Medieval warming WAS global – new science contradicts IPCC
Afghan official: US paid $50,000 to families of each victim in shooting spree
New York City-funded group teaching homeless how to invade apartments
GOP budget would strip loopholes for top earners, Rep. Paul Ryan says
Black Panther Party offered a bounty of $10,000 Saturday for the “capture” of a Florida neighborhood watch captain
Selling Socialism: The Media's Campaign for ObamaCare
Sandra Fluke Says She Didn't Know Target Sells Birth Control Pills for $9
Demand Investigation into Obama Eligibility Requirements for President and Second Term Run