Saturday, March 31, 2012

High school principal blocks 'respect women' posters, allows 'black power' signs

In honor of “Women’s History Month,” Grosse Point North High School student Grant Strobl wanted to place posters throughout the school teaching students to respect women, but was met with defiance from the school principal, calling his actions “vitriolic.” Strobl, the chair of the Young America’s Freedom chapter at his school, recalled his events on the Young America’s for Foundation’s (YAF) website. The posters he created featured women like Sarah Palin — who faced claims from liberal blogs that her mentally challenged baby was not actually hers and another with this statement: “The annual worldwide number of so-called ‘honor-killing’ victims may be as high as 5,000 women.” See the posters below. Per school regulations, Strobl brought the posters to the principal, Tim Bearden, to have him sign off on them, but the principal refused. According to Strobl’s account, Bearden looked at a single poster and then declared his whole idea “vitriolic and inappropriate” and refused to approve them. It may seem hypocritical, however, because a bulletin board expressing “Black Power” and Human Rights “Equal” stickers were allowed in the halls, but not his “Respecting All Women” posters. Strobl told The Daily Caller that he doesn’t want to hurt the principal’s character because Bearden has been very supportive of YAF in the past, but “I want to make sure that the policy regarding posters is equal for all groups on campus.” CLICK TO READ MORE

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