Friday, March 30, 2012

Sheriff Arpaio: Obama’s Records Are Missing

Sheriff Joe Arpaio talks to Infowars about the media blackout surrounding the Obama birth certificate issue. CLICK TO SEE MORE

The Obama records which have not been released include:
  • Passport records
  • Obama kindergarten records
  • Punahou School records
  • Occidental College records
  • Columbia University records
  • Columbia thesis
  • Harvard Law School records
  • Harvard Law Review articles
  • University of Chicago scholarly articles
  • Illinois State Bar Association records
  • Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost)
  • Medical records
  • Obama/Dunham marriage license
  • Obama/Dunham divorce documents
  • Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
  • Adoption records
  • and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth.

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