Thursday, April 19, 2012

North Korea Warns Retaliation if U.S. Stops Food Aid

Our foreign policy weakness has ushered in strange days indeed. As a result, small-time presidents and rogue nations are actually trying to tell us what to do, and in some cases openly threatening the U.S. Take North Korea, for example, where our cancellation of food aid in response to their recent rocket launch has led to the promise of “retaliatory measures.” In other words, the leadership of that country is threatening to do something to the U.S. if we don’t keep propping them up via handouts. CLICK TO READ MORE

Obama Charges $1,000 Per Handshake

President Obama’s fan base is willing to pay through the nose to get a glimpse of him. In fact, supporters in Dearborn, Michigan showed up today to shell out $1,000 just to shake the hand of The One. CLICK TO READ MORE

Charity and Politics

Americans are being asked to decide many things this election year, but perhaps the most important is how the United States should take care of its poorest citizens. President Obama and the Democratic Party in general believe that income redistribution is the way to go. Since Mr. Obama has been in office, entitlement spending has risen 41% to about one trillion dollars a year. There are currently an astounding 126 separate anti-poverty programs in place. Mitt Romney and the Republicans reject the concept of "income inequality" and say that a rising economy should lift all households. The GOP wants the free marketplace to provide income opportunity, not a giant federal nanny state. With the nation more than $16 trillion in debt, the Republicans have economics on their side, but emotion is another matter. CLICK TO READ MORE

TransCanada submits new Keystone XL pipeline plan

For the first time since President Obama issued a controversial order halting its progress, the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline is once again on track for bureaucratic review after TransCanada submitted a new route through Nebraska designed to avoid environmentally sensitive areas. The new plan, which TransCanada submitted to the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality on Wednesday, takes the Keystone project out of the deep freeze that began in January when Obama agreed with the recommendation of the State Department to reject the initial pipeline application. This new development, first reported by Fox News, allows Nebraska officials to review the impact of the pipeline's adjusted route. It also opens the door for the pipeline's builder, TransCanada, to submit a new complete proposal covering the entire length of the pipeline to the State Department for its review. CLICK TO READ MORE

Pelosi: Amend the First Amendment

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday endorsed a movement announced by other congressional Democrats on Wednesday to ratify an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would allow Congress to regulate political speech when it is engaged in by corporations as opposed to individuals. The First Amendment says in part: "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..." CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO AND READ MORE

Government Grants Used to Create Homoerotic Website

The National Institutes of Health has spent millions of dollars over the past decade to fund the construction of an HIV-prevention website that, among other sexually explicit features, includes a graphic image of homosexual sex and a Space Invaders-style interactive game that uses a penis-shaped blaster to shoot down gay epithets. CLICK TO READ MORE


The Obama administration is looking for states that will experiment with unemployment insurance programs by letting people test a job while still receiving benefits. The plan is a key feature of a payroll tax cut package that President Barack Obama negotiated with congressional Republicans in February. The Labor Department will open the application process Thursday for 10 model projects across the country. Any state can apply for the "Bridge to Work" program. The plan is modeled after a Georgia program called "Georgia Works." Under the plan, workers who have lost jobs can be placed in other temporary jobs as trainees for short periods to retain their skills or gain new ones while receiving jobless assistance. About a third of the time, those workers wind up getting hired full-time. CLICK TO READ MORE

Mandatory ‘Big Brother’ Black Boxes In All New Cars From 2015

A bill already passed by the Senate and set to be rubber stamped by the House would make it mandatory for all new cars in the United States to be fitted with black box data recorders from 2015 onwards. Section 31406 of Senate Bill 1813 (known as MAP-21), calls for “Mandatory Event Data Recorders” to be installed in all new automobiles and legislates for civil penalties to be imposed against individuals for failing to do so. “Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall revise part 563 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, to require, beginning with model year 2015, that new passenger motor vehicles sold in the United States be equipped with an event data recorder that meets the requirements under that part,” states the bill. CLICK TO READ MORE

Senate GOP blocks Obama's 'Buffett rule' for minimum tax rate on millionaires

Senate Republicans blocked President Obama's so-called "Buffett Rule," as the proposed minimum tax rate for millionaires failed to advance in a procedural vote Monday. The measure received majority support, 51-45, but 60 votes were required for the legislation to advance. The anti-climactic outcome was no surprise to anyone in a vote that was designed more to win over voters and embarrass senators in close races than to push legislation into law. CLICK TO READ MORE

Barack Obama’s Lawyer Admits Birth Certificate Is Forged

It appears the web is a buzz with information concerning the New Jersey court contest in regards to Barack Obama’s eligibility to be on the state’s ballot. At the center of the controversy now is the fact that Barack Obama’s own lawyer has apparently conceded the fact that the document is a forgery. According to, attorney Alexandra Hill, of the Newark-based law firm Genova, Burn and Giantomasi, admitted that the image of Obama’s birth certificate was a forgery and made the absurd claim that, therefore, it cannot be used as evidence to confirm his lack of natural born citizenship status. She concluded her analysis of the online birth certificate arguing that it is “irrelevant to his placement on the ballot”. CLICK TO READ MORE

Report: Democrat-controlled Senate laziest in 20 years

For those who need proof that the Senate was a do-nothing chamber in 2011 beyond the constant partisan bickering and failure to pass a federal budget, there is now hard evidence that it was among the laziest in 20 years. In her latest report, Secretary of the Senate Nancy Erickson revealed a slew of data that put the first session of the 112th Senate at the bottom of Senates since 1992 in legislative productivity, an especially damning finding considering that it wasn’t an election year when congressional action is usually lower. CLICK TO READ MORE

Monday, April 16, 2012

GSA employees spent 5 days in Hawaii for 1-hour groundbreaking event

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee said Wednesday that five employees associated with the recently scandal-plagued Government Services Administration went to Hawaii for up to a week in 2011 to attend an hour-long groundbreaking on space leased by the federal government for the FBI. Details of the incident surfaced in a transcript of an interview between the GSA Inspector General’s Office and a GSA employee. The employee indicated to the IG investigator that trip was not isolated and that there was another, longer junket scheduled for Hawaii this fall. That one would be in Hilo, Hawaii for 10 days and would include groundbreakings for a federal building, a post office and perhaps a courthouse. CLICK TO READ MORE

Man tries out for Denver Broncos cheerleaders

A Colorado man faced off against 200 women in the hopes of becoming the Denver Broncos' first male cheerleader last weekend. Sacha Heppell participated in the first round of tryouts Sunday. One memnber of the judging panel said it's an open call, so anyone could try out. Heppell called the opportunity "amazing," but admits he messed up a few times. CLICK TO READ MORE

Pope celebrates a very Bavarian 85th birthday

Pope Benedict XVI celebrated a very Bavarian birthday Monday, marking his 85 years with his brother, German bishops and a musical band from his native land. Benedict began the day with a Mass in which he alluded to his own mortality, saying he would carry on his final years knowing that God was watching over him. "I am facing the final leg of the path of my life and I don't know what's ahead," Benedict said in his homily. "I know though that God's light is there ... and that his light is stronger than every darkness." CLICK TO READ MORE

'Got a quickie aborsh': Comedienne Sarah Silverman supports pro-choice debate, tweeting 'before-and-after abortion' photos

Comedienne Sarah Silverman joined America's current War on Women yesterday after she tweeted a hoax before-and-after abortion photo. Reigniting the women's rights movement via Twitter, the 41-year-old wrote: 'Got a quickie aborsh in case R v W gets overturned.' CLICK TO READ MORE

Obama Can Now Control Food, Energy, Health Resources… At Any Time

Independent Journal Review Obama’s Half-Uncle To Fight Deportation Obama’s Half-Uncle To Fight Deportation According to the President, He’s “Middle Class” According to the President, He’s “Middle Class” 30 Stupid Things The Government Is Spending Money On 30 Stupid Things The Government Is Spending Money On Home 2012 News Obama Cartoons Videos Submit Your Article 11KShare Email Share Obama Can Now Control Food, Energy, Health Resources… At Any Time April 16, 2012 Did you know that the federal government claims that it can take away your constitutional rights any time that it wants to? Over the past several decades, there have been an endless parade of laws and executive orders that have been slowly and methodically carving up our rights under the U.S. Constitution. Most Americans are not even aware of the “creeping totalitarianism” that is happening. Most Americans just trust the “authorities” when they tell us that certain things “must be done” in order to keep us all safe. But even if we gave up all of our privacy, even if we gave up all of our liberties and our freedoms, and even if we gave the government all of our stuff they still would not be able to keep us safe. It is inevitable that evil people are going to do evil things, and if you are counting on the Obama administration to keep you safe then you are being delusional. Obama is not going to save us from anything. But Obama will gladly take away our rights and our freedoms if the American people allow him to. The Obama administration seems to have an endless lust for more power. Sadly, if we do give away our rights it will have some very serious consequences.

Kenya Sees Spike in Obama Administration-Funded Projects

Kenyan businesses lately are increasingly becoming recipients of U.S. government largesse, as the Obama Administration, among pursuing other endeavors, aims to expand "livestock-related economic opportunities" in that nation. Although this and other recently released presolicitation notices for unrelated programs serve as advance alerts to potential vendors—and therefore do not offer cost estimates and other details— a review of U.S. government contracting actions nonetheless indicates a spike of activity in Kenya in a variety of sectors. The White House is committing to a five-year effort to "improve the inclusiveness and competitiveness" of the livestock industry specifically in Marsabit and Garissa counties, Kenya, according to a presolicitation notice released April 12 that U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor located via routine database research. CLICK TO READ MORE

124th House member to either demand Holder’s resignation, or sign Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar’s official House resolution of “no confidence” in Holder

Michigan Republican Rep. Justin Amash added his name to the chorus of legislators demanding Attorney General Eric Holder resign over Operation Fast and Furious. A spokesman for Amash, a first term congressman on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, informed The Daily Caller of the congressman’s position over the weekend. Amash is the 124th House member to either demand Holder’s resignation, or sign Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar’s official House resolution of “no confidence” in Holder, or both. Three senators, two sitting governors and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney have also publicly called for Holder to step down. CLICK TO READ MORE

Sunday, April 15, 2012

George Washington named Britain's greatest ever foe

The American was voted the winner in a contest run by the National Army Museum to identify the country's most outstanding military opponent. He was one of a shortlist of five leaders who topped a public poll and on Saturday was selected as the ultimate winner by an audience of around 70 guests at a special event at the museum, in Chelsea, west London. In second place was Michael Collins, the Irish leader, ahead of Napoleon Bonaparte, Erwin Rommel and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. At the event, each contender had their case made by a historian giving a 40 minute presentation. The audience, who had paid to attend the day, then voted in a secret ballot after all five presentations had been made. Dr Stephen Brumwell, who had championed Washington, said: "As British officers conceded, he was a worthy opponent." CLICK TO READ MORE

Obama pledges to tackle immigration reform early in 2nd term if reelected

n his most specific pledge yet to U.S. Hispanics, President Obama said Saturday he would seek to tackle immigration policy in the first year of a second term. But he cautioned that he would need an amenable Congress to succeed. "This is something I care deeply about," he told Univision. "It's personal to me." Obama said in the television interview that he would work on immigration this year, but said he can't get support from Republicans in Congress. Obama also tried to paint his Republican presidential challenger, Mitt Romney, as an extremist on immigration, saying that Romney supports laws that would potentially allow for people to be stopped and asked for citizenship papers based on an assumption that they are illegal. "So what we need is a change either of Congress or we need Republicans to change their mind, and I think this has to be an important debate during -- throughout the country," Obama said. CLICK TO READ MORE

Florida city bans nightclubs, dance halls, skating rinks

Call it a modern-day adaptation of "Footloose." The city of Weston, Fla., has banned nightclubs, dance halls and skating rinks, the Sun-Sentinel reports, over concerns of the crime and crowds they sometimes bring. "This is something that we thought would protect the city,” Mayor Eric Hersh said, citing four nightclub stabbing deaths in Broward County since 2002. In 2011, the number of instances of gunfire in or around nightclubs in Southern Florida doubled from the year before, with nine cases, the Sun-Sentinel reports. CLICK TO READ MORE

Obama Family Tax Shelter First family transfers wealth, avoids taxes

President Obama and his wife, Michele, gave a total of $48,000 in tax-free gifts to their daughters, according to tax records made public on Friday. The president and his wife separately gave each daughter a $12,000 gift under a section of the federal tax code that exempts such donations from federal taxes. There is nothing illegal about the president’s taking advantage of this tax shelter, but it does raise eyebrows given that he has lamented the myriad tax exemptions used by the wealthy—“millionaires and billionaires” like himself—to pay less in taxes. He has yet to propose a comprehensive plan to reform the byzantine tax code. CLICK TO READ MORE

President Obama’s Secretary Paid Higher Tax Rate Than He Did

President Obama today released his 2011 federal income tax, with he and his wife reporting an adjusted gross income of $789,674. The Obamas paid $162,074 in total tax – an effective federal income tax rate of 20.5%. The Obamas also reported donating approximately 22% of their income to charity — $172,130. President Obama has been making a big political push for the “Buffett Rule,” which would require millionaires to pay a minimum of 30% of their income in taxes. To illustrate the point, the president has pointed out that billionaire investor Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than does his secretary. President Obama’s secretary, Anita Decker Breckenridge, makes $95,000 a year. White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage tells ABC News that Breckenridge “pays a slightly higher rate this year on her substantially lower income, which is exactly why we need to reform our tax code and ask the wealthiest to pay their fair share. ” CLICK TO READ MORE

Taliban Attacks Hit Several Sites Across Afghanistan Capital

The Taliban launched a series of coordinated attacks on as many as seven sites across the Afghan capital on Sunday, targeting NATO bases, the parliament and Western embassies. Militants also launched near-simultaneous assaults in three other eastern cities. At least two assailants were killed and five people wounded in Kabul, where fighting was still raging hours after it began. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid claimed responsibility, saying in a statement that scores of suicide bombers were carrying out strikes in the capital and three other provinces – Paktia, Nangarhar and Logar. The attacks were the most spectacular in the heavily guarded capital since September, and demonstrated the insurgents' resolve heading into the spring fighting season, when warmer weather typically brings increased attacks. The scale and scope of the violence also underscored the Afghan security forces' struggles to protect even the heart of national power as the U.S.-led international force speeds up the transfer of security responsibility ahead of the end of the NATO mission in 2014. CLICK TO READ MORE

Unions say foreign workers taking stimulus jobs

Michigan once had the worst unemployment rate in the U.S. So when stimulus tax dollars poured into the state's electric car industry, residents had reason to celebrate. But what happened next has angered some of President Obama's most ardent supporters. In 2010, Obama and Vice President Biden personally appeared to break ground at two Michigan plants. The plants were getting a combined $300 million under the stimulus program to build electric car batteries. But as it turns out the companies getting all those American tax dollars are largely owned by Koreans. They bought a lot of Korean equipment and supplies. And they filled some of those sought-after jobs with Korean workers. That drew anger from local labor unions. They say pictures, taken inside the plants show Korean nationals doing hands-on work that should be done by Americans. "I think there's a lot of anger out there, not to be confused with any sort of prejudice against anyone from another country," said Mark Mangione, who represents 1,000 labor union members in west Michigan. "This is American taxpayer dollars and there should be American jobs that are created with those American taxpayer dollars." CLICK TO READ MORE

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un speaks publicly for the first time

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un spoke publicly for the first time Sunday, just two days after a failed rocket launch, praising his father Kim Jong Il's "military first" policy during celebrations marking the 100th birthday of the nation's late founder. Kim, who has been seen but not publicly heard since taking over after Kim Jong Il's death in December, stepped to the podium to speak before tens of thousands of people gathered in Pyongyang's main square for meticulously choreographed festivities meant to glorify his grandfather, North Korea founder Kim Il Sung. Kim Jong Un said the era when nuclear arms could be used to threaten his country was "forever over." He called for strengthening the country's "military first" policy by placing the "first, second and third" priorities on military might. CLICK TO READ

Secret Service scandal deepens; 11 placed on leave

An embarrassing scandal involving prostitutes and Secret Service agents deepened Saturday as 11 agents were placed on leave, and the agency designed to protect President Barack Obama had to offer regret for the mess overshadowing his diplomatic mission to Latin America. The controversy also expanded to the U.S. military, which announced five service members staying at the same hotel as the agents in Colombia may have been involved in misconduct as well. They were confined to their quarters in Colombia and ordered not to have contact with others. CLICK TO READ MORE

Main suspect in Operation Fast and Furious arrested twice before

Police records show the chief target of Operation Fast and Furious, a man pursued by ATF agents for 18 months, was actually arrested twice in 2010 for gun and drug violations, but released. Manuel Celis-Acosta, the accused ring leader who helped arrange for the purchase and transfer of some 2,000 weapons to the Sinaloa Cartel, including those allegedly used to kill Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, was stopped April 2, 2010 by Phoenix Police and booked into jail for possession of cocaine. Police also confiscated two handguns. CLICK TO READ MORE

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Language of Liberalism: Part 2 - 'Workers'

Part 2 in MRCTV's series on how liberals use coded language to hide their real agenda. Today we examine how the Left uses the terms "workers" and "working families" to set the classes against each other and to pander to labor unions. CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO

Labor Sec Says Higher Taxes An ’Obligation’

Speaking at Al Sharpton’s annual convention of the National Action Network in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis told her audience that “millionaires and billionaires” have “an obligation” to pay more in taxes. “It’s about fairness,” Secretary Solis said while explaining President Obama’s re-election platform.“It’s about fairness in the workplace; it’s about fairness in education; and it’s about fairness in terms of what services are provided by government. And if we can’t have say-so in that, then this isn’t the dream that all of us have aspired to be a part of.”

The Evolution of Money? Canadian Mint Announces Plans for Digital Currency

The Royal Canadian Mint has announced that it is developing a digital alternative to cold, hard cash. They’re calling it called “MintChip.” “Still in the research and development phase, MintChip will ultimately let people pay each other directly using smartphones, USB sticks, computers, tablets and clouds,” The Star reports. “The digital currency will be anonymous and good for small transactions — just like cash,” the report adds. CLICK TO WATCH VIDEO

Will the next pope be the last? New book makes the case the 'great apostasy' will follow reign of Benedict

Based its pre-sales, “Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope is Here,” may be the surprise hit of the year. The book has been riding high on the Amazon charts for weeks before its release this week. Ads by Google Become a MinisterLearn How to Earn Your Religious Degree at Home. Take the First Step Looking for ProphecyFind out what is next for you in your life with Prophecy It makes the case that the successor to Pope Benedict XVI will be the last Roman Catholic pontiff – leading to what has been prophesied as the “great apostasy” and even the destruction of Rome. For more than 800 years, scholars have pointed to the dark augury regarding “the last pope.” The prophecy, taken from St. Malachy’s “Prophecy of the Popes,” is among a list of verses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II to the final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign would end in the destruction of Rome. CLICK TO READ MORE

US condemns North Korea's 'provocative' rocket launch

North Korea's attempt Friday to launch a long-range rocket has failed, according to U.S. officials. A senior U.S. official who is receiving updates from U.S. military launch observers tells Fox News the rocket broke apart between 90 seconds and 2 minutes after launching. Data suggests the rocket broke up in mid-flight inside the Earth's atmosphere. Officials tell Fox News the rocket did not fall into any populated areas, suggesting it fell into the ocean. The rocket likely broke apart between the first and second stages of a three phase process. A 2009 attempt by North Korea to launch a rocket also failed during its third stage. The White House released a statement condemning the launch, saying: "Despite the failure of its attempted missile launch, North Korea's provocative action threatens regional security, violates international law and contravenes its own recent commitments." CLICK TO READ MORE

Affidavit alleges George Zimmerman 'confronted' Trayvon Martin

A probable cause affidavit filed in the second-degree murder case against George Zimmerman provides some insight into why Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey chose to charge Zimmerman in the fatal shooting of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The four-page document prepared by prosecutors says that "Zimmerman confronted Martin." Zimmerman had told police that he shot Martin in self-defense, fearing for his life after Martin punched him in the nose, knocked him down and then banged his head on the sidewalk. The affidavit alleges Martin was "profiled by George Zimmerman." It also states Martin was "unarmed and was not committing a crime." The affidavit says Martin's mother identified screams heard in the background of a 911 call as her son's. There had been some question as to whether Martin or Zimmerman was the one calling for help. CLICK TO READ MORE

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

(FLASHBACK) Candidate Obama Appeared And Marched With New Black Panther Party In 2007…

New photographs obtained exclusively by reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007. The photographs, captured from a Flickr photo-sharing account before it was scrubbed, are the latest evidence of the mainstream media’s failure to examine Obama’s extremist ties and radical roots. In addition, the new images raise questions about the possible motives of the Obama administration in its infamous decision to drop the prosecution of the Panthers for voter intimidation and doing nothing in regards to the Trayvon Martin developments... CLICK FOR MORE

Santorum Drops Out of Presidential Race...paving way for Romney to take GOP nomination

GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum, after defying long odds to become a top contender for the nomination, said Tuesday he is suspending his campaign, in effect paving the way for front-runner Mitt Romney to challenge President Obama. Santorum’s announcement came as a surprise, though his campaign faced an increasingly unlikely path to the nomination in recent weeks. The former Pennsylvania senator also on Friday left the campaign trail for the second time to tend to his 3-year-old daughter, Isabella, because she was hospitalized with pneumonia. She has a life-threatening genetic disorder known as Trisomy 18. CLICK TO READ MORE

Obama's Impeachable Offenses (UPDATED April 10)

I have repeatedly been asked by a number of different people if I think that the President of the United States, Barack Obama, has committed any offenses that subject him to being impeached by the Congress of the United States. The answer is without a doubt, yes because he has repeatedly breached his oath of office. The oath of office of the President of the United States is simple and concise. It reads: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Instead of living up to that oath, President Obama has actively attempted to subvert, ignore, and completely destroy large parts of the Constitution. I believe the President of the United States is well aware of what he is doing, and it is completely intentional. Based from my years as a constitutional attorney, listed below are what I believe are impeachable offenses, and the list continues to grow. CLICK TO READ MORE

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cops can request a copy of your complete Facebook activity

If police officers were to file a subpoena for your Facebook information, they would receive a printout of the data from the social network. This printout would be so detailed, complete and creepy that you should strive to be a good law-abiding citizen, just to prevent it from ever existing. We have just learned about the true nature of Facebook's responses to subpoenas thanks to documents uncovered by the Boston Phoenix, an alternative weekly. CLICK TO READ MORE

Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has declared that there is no proof that in-person voter fraud is a problem. He's about to see proof that even he can't deny. In a new video (below) provided to, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas demonstrates why Holder should stop attacking voter ID laws--by walking into Holder’s voting precinct and showing the world that anyone can obtain Eric Holder’s primary ballot. Literally. The video shows a young man entering a Washington, DC polling place at 3401 Nebraska Avenue, NW, on primary day of this year--April 3, 2012--and giving Holder’s name and address. The poll worker promptly offers the young man Holder’s ballot to vote. CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Arpaio: GOP candidates 'hiding' from eligibility 'I've talked to every one of them; I don't see anybody talking about this'

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio told a radio host today he’s met with Republicans – including every one of the GOP presidential candidates – and has come to the conclusion they’re as guilty as Democrats of “hiding” questions about Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president. As WND reported, Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse conducted an extensive examination of documents released by the White House last April purported to be Obama’s original, long-form birth certificate and Selective Service registration card, only to conclude there is probable cause the documents are actually forgeries. CLICK TO READ MORE

Mobile IV Vans for Las Vegas Hangovers..

In a city where partying has gone mobile, from minibuses equipped with stripper poles to Jacuzzi limos, now comes a curbside service to treat those massive hangovers. According to a new Las Vegas website,, a fleet of tour buses is already rolling, with stops at major casinos. If you're down for the count, they'll send someone to your room with an IV, for the introductory price of $150. Within an hour, you'll be good to go. CLICK TO READ MORE

North Korea officials move long-range rocket into position for launch

North Korean space officials have moved all three stages of a long-range rocket into position for a controversial launch, vowing Sunday to push ahead with their plan in defiance of international warnings against violating a ban on missile activity. The Associated Press was among foreign news agencies allowed a firsthand look at preparations under way at the coastal Sohae Satellite Station in northwestern North Korea. North Korea announced plans last month to launch a communications satellite using a three-stage rocket during mid-April celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the birth of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung. Engineers said Sunday that the satellite will orbit the earth and send back data for weather forecasts and crop surveys. CLICK TO READ MORE

10 things about Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson

Libertarian presidential contender Gary Johnson says he’s in the race to win it. As mind-bogglingly ludicrous as that sounds, Johnson told The Daily Caller in a wide-ranging discussion — touching on everything from polygamy to Donald Trump — that his “pie in the sky scenario” involves being included on the debate stage with President Barack Obama and the eventual Republican nominee this fall. CLICK TO READ MORE

Senate budget leader predicts budget stalemate through 2012 campaign

The chairman of the Senate Budget Committee said Sunday that the two parties probably will not be able to agree on a budget plan before the election, even as his panel prepares to hammer out a fiscal 2013 blueprint. Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., speaking on "Fox News Sunday," made clear that he is at peace with Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid's position that the chamber does not need to bring a budget to the floor. "I think Senator Reid has made the judgment, probably quite correctly, that there is very little chance that we're going to get the two sides together before the election," Conrad said. CLICK TO READ MORE

Jefferson's view of the Resurrection was not so divine

America's First Amendment guarantees millions of Christians the right this weekend to boldly celebrate their faith's holiest day of the year, Easter, when Scriptures say Jesus rose from the dead. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is foundational to Christianity. But ironically, a man and future president who worked to safeguard religious freedom, Thomas Jefferson, could only believe in an earthly Jesus. Jefferson, the third U.S. president and principle author of the Declaration of Independence, created his own version of the Bible, now on exhibit at the Smithsonian's Museum of American History. Cut and pasted together at his Monticello estate in Virginia, Jefferson's Bible is stripped of the divine. There are no miracles ... and no Resurrection. "Jefferson was very much a product of thinking of the time, known as the Enlightenment,” said Andrew O'Shaughnessy, director of the International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello. “And so he was unwilling to accept anything that couldn't be proved on the basis of evidence. So he was determined to remove what he felt couldn't be substantiated." CLICK TO READ MORE

Saturday, April 7, 2012

CNBC: Don't Worry, '$4 Gas Isn't That Big of a Deal'

In an opinion piece for on Wednesday, Street Signs anchor Brian Sullivan argued: "...for the majority of the country, $4 gas isn't going to doom us or our economy....right now it just doesn't add up. After all, it looks like $5 is the new $4 when it comes to gas prices and the economy." Sullivan cited new car sales being on the rise, with those vehicles having better gas mileage, and pointed to inflation causing $4 a gallon to actually be "somewhere in the $3.64 range in 2007 dollars today." In addition, he noted the payroll tax cut "mitigates much of the impact." The popular internet browser homepage seized on Sullivan's commentary, making it a top story on the site on Wednesday, even embellishing Sullivan's original headline: "No Fuel on This Fire: $4 Gas Won't Hurt Us." In other words, "move along, nothing to see here." CLICK TO READ MORE

NBC Fires Producer Who Edited Tape of Zimmerman 911 Call

Since NBC News was publicly embarrassed for releasing an altered (and misleading) version of George Zimmerman’s 911 call to police the night he shot Trayvon Martin, the network has taken several steps to try to rectify their lost credibility. The most recent casualty of such behavior has been the producer responsible for doctoring the tape, according to the New York Times: NBC News has fired a producer who was involved in the production of a misleading segment about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida. The person was fired on Thursday, according to two people with direct knowledge of the disciplinary action who declined to be identified discussing internal company matters. They also declined to name the fired producer. A spokeswoman for NBC News declined to comment.[...] The people with direct knowledge of the firing characterized the misleading edit as a mistake, not a purposeful act.

Obama: I Am My Brother’s Keeper – But Not My Actual Brother

In a campaign speech on Friday in Vermont, as reported by, President Obama ripped into “you’re-on-your-own-economics” and actually suggested that hard work and personal responsibility were not supreme Biblical values. Instead, he suggested, “Hard work, personal responsibility – those are values. But looking out for one another. That’s a value. The idea that we’re all in this together. I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper. That’s a value.” Apparently, being his brother’s keeper does not actually mean his brother’s keeper – President Obama’s half-brother lives on less than a dollar per month. “I have seen two of my friends killed,” says George Obama. “I have scars from defending myself with my fists. I am good with my fists.” CLICK TO READ MORE

Obama administration knew for 11 months about lavish Vegas conference

Officials with the federal agency now under congressional investigation over a lavish conference were captured on camera joking about the expense at the summit's "capstone" event in October 2010. One official joked about how much was spent at a party hosted by the agency's commissioner. Another employee, in a mock music video, even sang about how he'd "never be under OIG investigation." OIG stands for Office of Inspector General -- the office that earlier this week released a bombshell report that triggered firings at the agency that held the conference. The report found the Public Buildings Service, part of the General Services Administration, spent more than $820,000 on the meeting near Las Vegas in 2010. CLICK TO READ MORE

Armed Neo-Nazis patrolling streets of FL

The Trayvon Martin case is getting even more heated as armed neo-Nazis are reportedly patrolling the streets of Sanford, Fla.-where the black, unarmed teen was shot and killed. A representative for the Detroit-based National Socialist movement told the Miami New Times that his group of roughly 10 to 20 volunteers aren’t there to start trouble, but are prepared to protect the “white citizens in the area” in the event of race riots. “Whenever there is one of these racially charged events, Al Sharpton goes wherever blacks need him,” Jeff Schoep of the National Socialist Movement told the news organization. “We do similar things. We are a white civil rights organization…We are not the type of white people who are going to be walked all over.” CLICK TO READ MORE