Tuesday, April 3, 2012

State attorney 'outraged' by federal review request in Trayvon Martin case

ORLANDO, Fla. - State Attorney Norm Wolfinger released a statement on Monday saying he is "outraged by the outright lies" contained in a letter written by the attorney of Trayvon Martin's parents, who are seeking a federal review in the case. Martin family attorney Ben Crump said he is asking the U.S. Justice Department to review the investigation for possible interference by Wolfinger's office on the night Martin was shot to death by Neighborhood Watch leader George Zimmerman. Crump sent a formal request to the Justice Department on Monday, saying, "within hours of the shooting in which Trayvon Martin was killed, Sanford Chief of Police Bill lee met with State Attorney Norm Wolfinger. We also believe that family members of shooter George Zimmerman were present at the police department. It was further revealed that State Attorney Norm Wolfinger and Chief Bill Lee overruled the recommendation of the lead homicide investigator, Chris Serino, who recommended that George Michale Zimemrman be arrested for manslaughter for killing Trayvon Benjamin Martin." CLICK FOR MORE

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