Thursday, April 5, 2012

Marines Deployed to Australia ... In Preparation For China?

Last November, President Obama made a visit to Canberra, Australia to discuss an expansion of US troop presence in the region. Obama and Prime Minister Gillard reached an agreement which would allow up to 2,500 Marines to spend six-month stints in the port city of Darwin on Australia's northern coast. Yesterday, the first contingent of 200 Marines arrived in Darwin. Both the US and the Australians have been exceedingly careful to frame this move as an extension of long-standing mutual interests, not a strategic move aimed at confronting anyone in particular. However, various analysts agree that a prime factor in this move is the rise of China's military and their seeming willingness to throw their weight around in the South China Sea: This year, Chinese ships or planes began taking more forceful action. Officials in the Philippines say Chinese forces entered Philippine waters or airspace six times, including once when a Chinese frigate fired in the direction of a Philippine fishing boat. Vietnam has reported that Chinese ships cut the cables of two exploration ships carrying out seismic surveys. In addition to the Marines now being deployed to Darwin, there is also talk of other moves in the region including a possible drone base on islands controlled by Australia CLICK TO READ MORE

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